Need a profile to your design?
Want something specific to your needs?
Rather than using someone else’s extrusions or making do with existing sections the cost of designing and cutting your own shapes may quickly be recouped in time saved during manufacture with your specialized extrusions.
We have 40 years experience in aluminium extrusions, and are happy to advise or assist in the design of your profile.
Give us a sketch or drawing. We will evaluate suitability for extrusion and assist in concept development
On a preliminary basis, before too much time is invested by you ,we can estimate costs. You can then decide on feasibility and whether to continue – we will assist you in taking your idea from concept to finished design
Preliminary shape samples can be provided in plastic (ABS PLA or other) using 3D printing.
For your design , we can advise the best suppliers ,for whatever supply strategy you want to follow.
CAD drawings made of your design then passed to the mill for assessment.
Mill drawings are then produced for your approval.